“A Cowboy of the Pecos” Receives #1 Pick

“A Cowboy of the Pecos” Receives #1 Pick


PRRC’s Patrick Dearen, author of Bitter Waters: The Struggles of the Pecos River, has just received national attention for another of his books about the Pecos.

True West magazine, in its recommended reading list for 2018, selected Dearen’s A Cowboy of the Pecos as its #1 pick in the “Cowboys” category.  The book is the story of cowboying on the Pecos in Texas and southeast New Mexico from earliest trail drive days to the 1920s. Robert Duvall called it “a wonderful book to read if you want to learn about the life of a cowboy. It’s not as romantic as you think!”

To watch videos of Duvall discussing A Cowboy of the Pecos, see http://patrickdearen.com/robertduvall.html .

The book is available from online sellers such as Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Cowboy-Pecos-Patrick-Dearen/dp/1493024167/ .